Riding the AR/VR wave
In constant search of finding paths how to introduce new technology to an organization.

Nothing has changed since 1994. when our business adventure started.
Today we are still developing projects in the latest technologies where accent is placed on augmented and virtual reality.
Why Lunar?
Lunar j.d.o.o. Croatia is extended reality company. On our opinion being top XR company requires to constantly look at how to use new technologies to make people better. To make people feel better. By using virtual, augmented and mixed reality we are on our way to achieve this goal.
Sometimes it is important to make our own roads instead of following existing ones.
The same is with the trends in new technology.
Future is exciting.
Finally, we always aim for the moon .. so even if we miss, we’ll land among the stars.


The entire Lunar team is committed to providing the best service to customers through communication with the client and through the development of specific solutions tailored to each task.
Striking a balance between our clients, partners, associates and the community as a whole, we find solutions that are a win-win combination.
Honesty of each team member.
Working in teams
We stress team work in everything we do.
Respecting and encouraging the individuality of each individual, we are creating a team environment which generates best solutions.
Finally we all win by respecting diversity and team spirit of our employees.
Team work implies innovation.
Most of our projects are based on creativity and imagination of our team.
We respect every idea that meets customer needs and implement new solutions that make our clients look even better.
Innovation is our passion.
Innovation generates success.
Each company has set goals and if they are reached, these goals are achieved successfully.
Our goal is to keep striving for constant progress because it is the only way to preserve hard-won position earned in this rapidly advancing market.
If we still succeed in achieving this goal, our success and the success of our clients is guaranteed.

Being at the top of XR industry requires constant desire to find out how to use new technologies to make people better. To make people feel better. By using virtual, augmented and mixed reality we are successful in achieving this goal.
Sometimes it is important to make our own roads instead of following existing ones. The same is with the trends in new technology.
Future is exciting.
When we talk to the clients about websites, we recommend them using template based solutions. It is cheaper and no need to reinvent a wheel. On the other hand when we are talking about custom complex database online solutions ….it is different. It is unique. It is our job.
A hobby is something we enjoy, often something people say we should do for money. So I said “Why not?”. Result? We have developed over 30 multiplayer games and 50 singleplayer games.
Do you have a new project that should have been done yesterday? Not a problem! The time machine is part of Lunar standard equipment.
I can not login. I forgot my password. She told me I am ugly.
We are providing support for major gaming portal in Croatia. Eventually we will publish a book with the requests we receive. Bestseller. Guaranteed.
“I’d like to think that one day people won’t be judged by their color or their gender, but by the things that really matter – their taste in music.”
Murphy Brown
We have arranged over 15 music themes for applications that we developed.

ESCAPE ROOM – Oculus Quest – Erasmus project

MINDBUZZ – virtual reality phobia exposure system
ARRISUM – dental augmented reality solution
Playing with technology. Prototypes developed for LUCERA business incubator.
EnvisionCube – Configuration tool
Product is envisioned as a virtual reality room in which a customer can preview a product and see how it would look in a specific environment.
As in our demo, the idea is that parquet is being advertised, but instead of it being somewhere on a shelf and/or previewed via pictures, a customer can put a VR headset and browse through offered parquet floors while walking around the virtual room. Couple of rooms are available to choose from so parquets can be viewed in different scenarios and different lightning conditions giving the customer ability to get a better feel for the product that he couldn’t get in conventional shop.
Of course, we aren’t limited by changing only parquet, rooms can be designed so they can be completely customized from wall coverings, changing color of furniture, even changing furniture itself and rearranging it, depending on products being sold.
The idea behind Virtual shopper is to collect customer behavior and habits by placing them into virtual shopping scenario. Virtual shop is built with products relevant for market research. Customer is then able to browse, inspect and interact with products, while their actions and movements are recorded. When their VR experience is over, collected data is then compiled into readable charts and presented to a client for further analyse.
Data would consists of:
– a path that customer took through a shop,
– where he stopped and spent most of the time browsing,
– products that caught shopper attention the most (presented by heat maps) and products he ignored.
With that data our client is then able to see where product placement should be in a real shop to get the most of customers attention, which packaging design works in getting customers attention or which one needs to be altered.
Benefits of this system are relatively easy portability (laptop and a VR headset), not a lot of room required for setup (ideally a 5×5 meters room should be enough to allow a customer to move freely) and in VR we can build as big or as small shop as required by a client.
Pipe fitters training
Idea of this product is to serve as a educational tool for pipe fitters.
Student is given a specific task to connect two points with a pipe system with obstacles in the way. There are specific parts that he can use in order to complete a task.
Pipes, elbows, reducing couplings, crosses, sockets 3D models can be rotated in any direction and placed.
Main idea is to confront future pipe fitter to the real life problems and after task is completed, the system will automatically point to potential problems.
Augmented reality as the marketing tool
No matter if you are producing yachts or castles, augmented reality will make additional impact in your presentation where 3D virtual model can be placed in real environment at exact location.
EnvisionCube – Visualization tool
We have also anticipated a version of the program that would be used for visualization of blueprints. Not all people have developed the ability to visualize blueprints to get whole picture how their dream home will look like. Using this technology, we can put users in a virtual space where they will get real look&feel of the whole project.
dare U
Demo created just for fun. We are usually using this as the opening scene for the VR seminars.
Let us showcase some of the projects since 1994.
We have selected some of the projects that are displaying diversity of our services. Unfortunately there is no space for all of our work and we apologize to the clients that are not on the list.
In any case we believe that chosen projects will give you enough information about our expertise.
Complex online gaming application and portal
Multiplayer / singleplayer gaming system
Adobe Flash / ASP / PHP / MS SQL
Complex online gaming application and portal
Multiplayer / singleplayer / satiric gaming system
Adobe Flash / ASPX / PHP / MS SQL
Facebook application
COMPLEX database recipes sharing system
Complex website with over 300 pages with guidelines and standards
User friendly refreshing beverage website
Complex Adobe Flash online application
Interactive US map (counties details) with database support
Adobe Flash / Access database
Website + Online application
Website with online catalog + administration site
Series of games
Adobe Flash / PHP / MS SQL
Singleplayer game with engaging gameplay
Adobe Flash / PHP / MS SQL
Complex online application
Website and complete membership evidence
Adobe Flash / ASP / PHP / MS SQL
Series games and multimedia CD
Adobe Flash
Flash banners
Series of online Adobe Flash banners
Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash website with authorized music
Adobe Flash / Magix Music Maker
Website with database support
Full Flash website
Adobe Flash / ASP / Access
Full Flash website
Adobe Flash / ASP
Joomla website with Flash programmed scrapbook
Adobe Flash / PHP / Joomla
Series of Flash games
Adobe Flash / ASP / PHP / My SQL
TV commercials
CGI generated TV commercials
Complex online applications
Several online products
Adobe Flash / ASP / PHP / MS SQL
Old project developed in Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash
CD presentation
CD business analytics presentation
Adobe Flash
Flash banner
Adobe Flash
Complex online application
Website and warehouse controling system
Adobe Flash / ASP / PHP / MS SQL
Series of Flash banners
Adobe Flash

NEW project finished – Digital pricelist at the reach of your finger
Nowadays, when it is crucial to have the right information at the right time, it was logical to create a system that will enable all...
New Erasmus + project “Turn off the lights, turn on the stars!”
The expertise, innovation and creativity of the Lunar team have once again been recognized by the European Union, so the new Erasmus + project “Turn...
Sneak peak – Erasmus+ project
MINDBUZZ – virtual reality phobia exposure system
Speakers @ VR Days Europe – Amsterdam
EU project “3 do 300”
EU project – Virtual reality in education
Our idea and project under name “Implementation of Virtual Reality based learning methodology in secondary schools” is approved and financed by EU under Erasmus +...
New business partnership
Dental center Bago&Bozic and LUNAR signed a cooperation agreement that includes the development of VIRTUAL DENTUM – ultimate marketing product in the dental industry. Utilizing...
But instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.
— Nikola Tesla